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What are the different types of holding companies?

Pure, mixed, immediate, and intermediate are some forms of holding firms found in the business sector. Such holding companies are not necessarily the parent companies of the subsidiaries. A holding company aims to gain control over more and more companies. They do it by owning stocks and assets belonging to the latter.

What is a holding company example?

Holding company examples include those types of organizations that are not directly involved in the work of manufacturing selling or purchasing, or providing other types of services which are in demand in the market. Their main objective is to control their subsidiaries.

What is a holding company?

A holding company is also sometimes called an “umbrella” or parent company. A holding company is a type of financial organization that owns a controlling interest in other companies, which are called subsidiaries. The parent corporation can control the subsidiary’s policies and oversee management decisions but doesn’t run day-to-day operations.

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